Academic Integrity for Students
The place to learn about academic integrity at UBC.

academic integrity
Curious about what exactly academic integrity is? Find out what it means to “learn with integrity” at UBC.

Academic integrity modules
Want to learn more about academic integrity? Try out our online Academic Integrity Matters modules!
If you are suspected of academic misconduct, check out the review process information.
“Why should I care about academic integrity?”
At UBC, you have an incredible opportunity to learn and grow with a global community of students. Over the course of your program, you will cement knowledge, competencies, skills, as well as personal values and principles that will guide your decisions for the rest of your life.
Learning with integrity will set the stage for being an ethical professional after you graduate. Breaching integrity at UBC or in your professional life can have irreversible consequences such as a course mark of zero, suspension, or expulsion from the university.
“I have been accused of academic misconduct…what now?”
Make sure you understand the accusation. If you are given the opportunity to respond, be clear about the facts and explain any extenuating circumstances that you believe are relevant. Your instructor will have to follow the academic misconduct process. If you are not sure about what that process entails for you or your options, ask your instructor directly.
For more information about the investigation and review process, check out our academic misconduct process information page.