Learning Modules

Check out our academic integrity learning modules.

An important step to promoting academic integrity is teaching academic integrity. UBC has a selection of learning modules available that can be accessed and used by instructors to help promote academic integrity in their courses or can be accessed directly by students to learn about the various aspects of academic integrity in courses and beyond.

Vancouver Modules

The Academic Integrity Foundations module is a new module developed by the Academic Integrity Hub. It introduces academic integrity in terms of what it is, why it is important within the UBC community, how students can put it into practice, and what pitfalls to watch out for. It also review the different types of academic misconduct.

The Academic Integrity Matters: Cheating and Collaboration module provides an overview of academic integrity and provides awareness of different types of academic misconduct, such as plagiarism, collusion, contract cheating, falsification, and assessment cheating.

The Academic Integrity Matters: Plagiarism module focuses primarily on plagiarism, the importance of citing the work of others, and providing clear attribution of ideas.

The Introduction to Academic Integrity module introduces the concept of academic integrity, what it means, and why it is important here at UBC and beyond. During this module UBC students, faculty, and librarians share what academic integrity looks like and how it informs the choices we make.

Okanagan Modules

The Academic Integrity Matters: Cheating and Collaboration module provides an overview of academic integrity and provides awareness of different types of academic misconduct, such as plagiarism, collusion, contract cheating, falsification, and assessment cheating.

The Academic Integrity Matters: Plagiarism module focuses primarily on plagiarism, the importance of citing the work of others, and providing clear attribution of ideas.

The Academic Integrity Matters: Academic Integrity in the Visual Arts module covers upholding integrity in creative endeavors, including assessing the nuances of artistic inspiration, learning, and plagiarism, demonstrating proper visual source attribution, grasping copyright essentials, and more.

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