Academic Integrity Week
Celebrate Academic Integrity at UBC!

Join us for our fourth annual Academic Integrity Week from October 15-18 2024 as we work to promote academic integrity at UBC and beyond.
Academic Integrity Week will feature a range of events such as workshops and presentations aimed at sparking conversation and raising awareness of the importance of academic integrity. Academic Integrity Week coincides with the International Center for Academic Integrity’s annual International Day of Action for Academic Integrity on October 16.
This year’s theme is “All hands on deck: Making academic integrity everyone’s job.”
Take Five for Academic Integrity

Academic Integrity week is a great time to talk to your classes about academic integrity. Use our in-class awareness resources below to run 10-15 minute awareness presentation. Instructors are invited to take a few minutes to check in on these concepts with their students and how they are applied in their course.
The Take Five for Integrity slides and resources are below. If you are interested in having us run the presentation in your class, please let us know.
Tuesday, October 15
Academic Integrity Hub Student Drop-In
12pm – 1pm | Zoom | Academic Integrity Hub
Are you a student at UBC and interested in learning more about academic integrity topics and resources? Do you have questions about how the academic misconduct process works at UBC? The Academic Integrity Hub is a hub in the Provost’s Office that supports academic integrity awareness and education. Staff from the Hub will be on hand to answer your questions about academic integrity and academic misconduct at UBC. This event is not intended for discussion of specific academic misconduct cases.
Wednesday, October 16
ICAI International Day of Action for Academic Integrity
Academic Integrity Hub & AMS Academic Resources Fair
12pm – 3pm | The Nest, Upper Atrium
The Academic Integrity Hub and the AMS are partnering to offer an Academic Resources Fair on the ICAI International Day of Action for Academic Integrity. This new in person event will connect students to the many essential resources on campus that support their learning with integrity.
“Thanks for your Integri-Tea!”
10am – 12pm | Outside the west entrance to the Library (beside the Commons, across from Fipke)
Celebrating UBC Okanagan students’ collective effort of upholding academic integrity! Stop by to have a chat, enter to win prizes, and grab a hot drink and snack!
Adapting Quality Assurance Processes to Address Academic Integrity
10:30 am – 11:30am | Zoom | Patti Dyjur & Kimberley Grant
In this session, we will present a quality assurance (QA) framework for examining a program to ensure its quality and improve it in terms of student learning opportunities, with a focus on academic integrity. We will illustrate the QA framework through a focus on academic integrity, including discussion questions for groups to consider emerging artificial intelligence tools and their impact on program quality. The session will conclude with a question-and-answer period.
Thursday, October 17
Ask Us Anything: Academic Integrity
9:30 am – 10:30 am | Zoom | Judy Chan (CTLT), Justin Lee (CTLT), Nicole Ronan (CTLT), Ainsley Rouse (Academic Integrity Hub), Jared Taylor (Academic Integrity Hub), Carly Gardner (Academic Integrity Hub)
Are you an instructor and want to know more about what resources are available to you around academic integrity or how to design courses and learning activities with academic integrity in mind? Are you a student who is interested in learning more about academic integrity and misconduct at UBC? Join a team of academic integrity specialists at UBC and ask us anything.
This drop-in session will bring together educational consultants, learning designers, IT specialists and the Academic Integrity Hub to answer your questions about teaching and learning with integrity at UBC.
The Academic Integrity Ask Us Anything is open to instructors, TAs, staff, and students. Participants should come prepared with a list of questions about teaching and learning with integrity. For privacy and confidentiality reasons, this session is not intended to discuss specific academic misconduct cases or allegations.
Friday, October 18
The Doctor is In: Redesigning writing assessments with artificial intelligence and academic integrity in mind
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm | Zoom | Laurie McNeill, Laila Ferreira, Mike Jerowsky, Rebecca Carruthers Den Hoed, Moberley Luger, Bri Orr-Alvarez
Are you an instructor or TA who has recently revised or are thinking about how to rework your writing assignments to address either concerns about or opportunities created by GenAI? GAI’s emergence presents serious challenges for many of our written assessments – but you don’t have to meet those challenges all on your own!
Join this drop-in “clinic” session to brainstorm, troubleshoot, and/or review one of your writing assignments, getting one-on-one feedback from educators with experience in writing-based and integrity pedagogies from the project team for the We’re Only Human? large TLEF project. During this clinic, the project team will work with you to understand and unpack these challenges and reevaluate the learning goals, design, and assessment of student writing in this new context.
Voice, Privilege, and Integrity: Navigating Generative AI and Linguistic Imperialism in Academic Assessment
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm | Zoom | Brenda McDermott
Increasing academic integrity concerns around written assignments are increasingly discussed as unauthorized collaboration with Generative AI. These concerns are often associated with comments such as it doesn’t sound like the student or it isn’t the student’s voice. This presentation highlights how some voices are privileged in academic discourse and that Generative AI can be a tool for others to access that privilege. Using the framework of linguistic imperialism, this presentation reflects on how assessment alignment and critical reflection can increase assessment integrity and promote ethical generative AI use.