Top 10 things to know
Some things for students to keep in mind.
1. Awareness
An important early step after being accused of academic misconduct is to become familiar with the academic calendar regulation, the process, your options, and the supports available at UBC.
2. Potential impacts
Students who hold scholarships, a student visa, or who receive third party funding, are strongly encouraged to reach out to their respective offices on campus and/or academic advisors to identify impact or consequences.
3. Allegation
The academic misconduct process begins when there is an allegation of academic misconduct raised by an instructor. An allegation can be raised by a TA (teaching assistant), an exam invigilator, or another student to the instructor as well.
4. Context
The academic misconduct process ensures that the student has the opportunity to explain their point of view and situation, including extenuating circumstances. These might be personal circumstances that influenced a student’s decision, behaviour, or context as related to the academic misconduct case.
5. Support
The academic misconduct process can be lengthy. It is important to keep track of all communications (verbal and written) throughout the process, and find support through friends, trusted peers, or professionals to help navigate the process which can be stressful.

The academic misconduct process can be stressful. Be sure to get help if and when you need it!
6. Consequences
The academic misconduct process can look different depending on the case and if the student has a previous misconduct record (an academic misconduct record includes: warning letters, integrity plans, allegations referred to PACSD not yet determined, findings of academic misconduct by PACSD). Consequences can include, among other measures, failure in the course, suspension from the university and a notation of the academic transcript (often with the ability to apply to have the notation removed after a defined amount of time following graduation). Each case is considered in its own context. Annual Summaries of Student Discipline Cases includes an overview of outcomes from academic and non-academic misconduct cases.
7. Integrity plans
The academic misconduct process allows for a student and a Dean or Delegate to enter into an “integrity plan” via the diversionary process option. This option is available when the student admits having committed misconduct, the misconduct is not egregious, and the student has no previous record of misconduct (a record of misconduct includes: warning letters, conduct agreements, allegations referred to PACSD not yet determined, findings of academic misconduct by PACSD). If a student signs an integrity plan with their Dean or Delegate, the case will not be referred to PACSD and therefore, no hearing will take place. No student is obliged to sign a conduct agreement with the Dean or delegate. Other options available to the Dean or Delegate are: a warning letter or submission of the case to PACSD.
8. Academic holds
The Dean’s Office can report an academic misconduct allegation to the Registrar and to PACSD. The Registrar, in turn, can decide to place the student on “academic hold” until the case arrives at a conclusion. “Academic hold” means students are not allowed to register for courses, or any other activity, via the Student Service Centre until the hold is removed. A student can email the Registrar to ask for the hold to be removed.
9. Transcript notation
Sometimes, the consequence of an academic misconduct case, even when the student does not admit committing the misconduct, is a notation on the student’s transcript. This notation reads “Academic Misconduct” under the appropriate term or session. This notation could negatively impact the student’s application to a graduate program, including, professional degrees. For certainty, it is best to ask the program/degree that the student is applying to.
10. Removal of notation
In some cases, an “Academic Misconduct” notation can be removed by appealing in writing to the President, after a period defined by the President (the letter the student received from PACSD states this period). Learn about the Process for Removal of Academic Notation from UBC Transcript.
This is an educative website intended to support understanding of the topics and associated processes and does not constitute legal advice nor impose legal obligations on the University. The content of this site may be updated. The Academic Calendar is the official governing document, and where there is any inconsistency or contradiction between this educative website and the Academic Calendar provisions governing academic integrity and academic misconduct, the Academic Calendar governs.