Academic Integrity for Faculty
Tools to teach academic integrity and respond to academic misconduct.

Academic integrity
Wondering how to define academic integrity when discussing it with your students?
“I suspect a student of academic misconduct in my class. What do I do?”
Instructors play a key role in the academic misconduct process. When there is suspicion of academic misconduct, an instructor should review the matter as soon as possible. Instructors must report all cases of academic misconduct that occur in their courses. Reporting is done in accordance with Faculty procedures which may require that they first report to their department, program office, or equivalent. If instructors are not aware of their Faculty procedure, they should reach out to the contact for academic misconduct in their Faculty or ask their Department Head or Associate Head.
Accurate and timely reporting from instructors is key to building a stronger culture of academic integrity at UBC. The Academic Misconduct page outlines the process and best practices.
“What basic information should I tell my students about academic integrity?”
It is recommended that instructors clearly define what academic integrity looks like in their discipline and/or course. A syllabus statement that you discuss in class is a useful way to do this. Tell your students why academic integrity matters, what working with integrity looks like, provide examples of what breaches of academic integrity look like, communicate how cases of suspected academic misconduct will be addressed, and include information and resources.