Academic Integrity Hub
Office of the Provost and Vice-President, Academic
Supporting academic integrity awareness and education.
The Academic Integrity Hub is situated in the Provost’s Office at UBC Vancouver. We promote and support a culture of academic integrity for students, instructors, and Faculties. We develop resources, deliver workshops and events, and facilitate the diversionary process.
Our Mission
Creating and enriching awareness of academic integrity.
Educating on academic integrity concepts, principles and regulations.
Supporting students and Faculties on the academic misconduct process.
Our Services

We deliver presentations and workshops.
Instructors, staff, and student groups can request presentations and workshops. Instructors can use our in-class materials in their courses.

We facilitate the diversionary process.
Faculties and students work with the Academic Integrity Hub to resolve certain cases of academic misconduct.

We have online learning modules available.
Students, staff, and instructors can access several online learning courses available through Canvas.
Diversionary Process
The diversionary process is available when a student admits to having committed academic misconduct, they do not have a previous academic misconduct record and the Dean’s Office determines that the diversionary option is appropriate. This option consists of developing an Integrity Plan to respond to the academic misconduct with outcomes agreed upon by student and Faculty.
The Academic Integrity Hub’s role is to facilitate and support awareness of the diversionary process. We do not have decision-making power around outcomes included in the Integrity Plans or other matters and are acting as a process support and information resource.
The student has the right to provide feedback to the Faculty and not sign the plan if they have concerns or if they disagree. Other options are available such as a Warning Letter or a referral to the President’s Advisory Committee on Student Discipline (PACSD).
In the case of a transcript notation of academic misconduct, the parties will also agree as to the period of time it will be on the transcript and the applicable process for the notation’s removal. Normally, the process for its removal is by application to the Dean or automatically, and in either scenario, after a specified amount of time has passed.
Note that in the case of an “automatic” removal with no conditions or further documentation required, the student will still be required to trigger the removal by emailing the designated party.
The diversionary process pilot for UBC Vancouver commenced in Winter Session 2022/2023, Term 1. It is currently applicable to eligible cases committed in courses offered by all Faculties except the Faculty of Medicine. It is also applicable to academic misconduct cases involving any academic activity undertaken while enrolled in a graduate degree program administered by the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies.
Referral from Faculty
The Academic Integrity Hub receives referrals from the Faculty when the Dean’s Office determines that the case of academic misconduct can be suitably resolved by the diversionary process, and the student is eligible (no previous record of academic misconduct and admitted to the misconduct). The referral includes the proposed Integrity Plan.
Meeting with the student
Following the referral, the Academic Integrity Hub organizes a meeting with the student. The Academic Integrity Hub presents the diversionary process to the student, answers any questions they may have, and reviews the terms of the Integrity Plan proposed by the Faculty. As Integrity Plans are intended to be educative, the student may consider what would help them to better their understanding of academic integrity concepts or related skills.
Facilitation of the Integrity Plan
The Academic Integrity Hub facilitates the Integrity Plan, acting as the intermediary between Faculty and student. This includes sharing the outcomes determined by the Faculty, having a discussion around outcomes with the student, and encouraging students to connect with other advisors and supports as needed. The Academic Integrity Hub facilitates the signature of the Integrity Plan.
The Academic Integrity Hub tracks completion of the outcomes of the Integrity Plans. The Hub liaises with the Faculties and PACSD to confirm completion or to signal if students have not satisfied the terms of the agreement within the deadline. As part of the follow-up, students engage in an reflective and educative meeting with the Hub.

Things to Remember
Participation in the diversionary process is voluntary.
An Integrity Plan is a mutual and voluntary agreement between the student and the Faculty. Students have the right to decline a proposed Integrity Plan.
The diversionary process is only available for select cases.
Students will have the option to participate in the diversionary process if they have admitted to the misconduct, have no prior record of academic misconduct, and the Dean’s Office has chosen the diversionary process as the appropriate mechanism for resolution. Access to the process is not initiated by the student or the instructor.
The Academic Integrity Hub will guide and support students through the diversionary process.
The Hub staff will explain the process, answer questions and concerns, and connect students with additional support. They do not represent or advocate for the Faculty or the student.
Diversionary Process Student FAQ
The Academic Integrity Hub provides answers to common student questions about the process.
Ombuds Diversionary Process Toolkit
The Office of the Ombudsperson for Students’ resource for students who have been referred to the Diversionary Process
About Us
The Academic Integrity Hub is a team dedicated to supporting academic integrity initiatives and programs for students, instructors and Faculties. To connect with the team, please use our contact form.

Simon Bates
Vice-Provost and Associate Vice-President, Teaching and Learning
Provides executive leadership to the Academic Integrity Hub as part of a broader portfolio of teaching and learning initiatives in the Provost’s Office.

Ainsley Rouse
Associate Director, Academic Integrity
Leads the Academic Integrity Hub and its team, directs strategic initiatives, education and awareness projects, engages in research, provincial and national networks, works with student advocates and leaders.

Jared Taylor
Program Manager, Academic Integrity
Manages the diversionary process for academic misconduct, working with students and Faculties to resolve misconduct cases, coordinates IT operations, facilitates education and awareness activities.

Carly Gardner
Coordinator, Academic Integrity
Develops student engagement initiatives, coordinates student outreach, facilitates education and awareness activities, supports the diversionary process, liaises with students and student groups.
This is an educative website intended to support understanding of the topics and associated processes and does not constitute legal advice nor impose legal obligations on the University. The content of this site may be updated. The Academic Calendar is the official governing document, and where there is any inconsistency or contradiction between this educative website and the Academic Calendar provisions governing academic integrity and academic misconduct, the Academic Calendar governs.